Police officers are still looking for the suspect.
Police reports claim 1 student was killed, 2 wounded in Sacramento College shooting on Thursday afternoon. Authorities are still looking for the culprit as the first searches have not been fruitful.
Nearby inhabitants have told police officers that the shooting started on Thursday afternoon. There were four or five gun shots and the whole scene happened so fast that witnesses did not make it in time to identify the killer.
Police officers on the Sacramento College campus arrived at the scene and called for backups. According to their first declarations, a student was killed on the spot, whereas the other two victims had different degrees of wounds. The first one was sent at the hospital where he is now recovering, whereas the second one had but a superficial injury and did not require hospitalization.
He told investigators that there was a verbal altercation between the victims and the other persons at first. The scandal escalated when one of the men in the group produced a gun and a knife. Some people managed to escape while others were severely injured by the bullets.
Although this hypothesis has not been proven, police officers think there are many chances that the men involved in the scandal belonged to rival gangs. The gunman has not been yet identified. Investigators have looked for him in the surrounding neighborhoods of the campus, but could not find him anywhere.
Based on the information they have gathered, the man was wearing a white T-shirt and short cargo pants when he was last spotted running from the scene.
Administrators and police officers locked down the campus for several hours and did not allow anyone to enter or leave the area. Students were told to remain in their classrooms and to block the doors to avoid other shootings.
Both the students and the campus personnel were terrified when they heard the shootings. They told the press that they hope colleges will eventually become the safe places they once used to be.
25,000 students learn at the Sacramento college, according to recent reports. The school facility has already welcomed students as the school year began on August 22.
Image source: www.nydailynews.com
OMG, that group needs more attention.