Several hundred taxi drivers used their rights to protest against ride-hailing company Uber. However, they entirely blocked access to Santiago International Airport for several hours. Therefore, by choosing this method to send a message to the world, they actually harmed innocent passers-by. As a consequence, the anti-Uber protest made passengers to walk on foot two miles with their luggage to reach their flights on time. On top of that, a man had a heart attack in the traffic jam yet failed to receive medical attention in time which led to his death.
The Anti-Uber Protest Led to the Death of a 65-Year-Old Tourist
On Monday, Chilean taxi drivers clogged any transportation access to the Santiago International Airport. One of the thousands of affected persons was a 65-year-old tourist that was caught up in traffic.
However, the chaos around him might have been the agent that triggered a heart attack. As the blockage to and from the airport showed no signs of withdrawal, the medical staff was late to save the person. Even though a helicopter reached the victim eventually, it was too late.
As a consequence of taxi drivers’ protest, passengers had to walk two miles on foot to get in time for their flight. On the other hand, several airlines like Santiago-based LATAM suffered extensive delays in their turn as well. Chile is the newest country that witnessed an anti-Uber protest and therefore joins a large array of nations in this respect.
The Santiago Governor Doesn’t Believe Infringing Rights Is the Best Way to Protest Right Infringement
The governor of the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Claudio Orrego, claimed that this manifestation did more harm to the entire country than protesters think. For instance, the event was a direct hit to the international reputation of Chile besides numerous airport delays and travelers who lost their flight.
“No one can claim to respect their rights by violating the rights of others.”
The protest rolled out without the permission of any authority. The event ended eventually when cranes started to remove the taxis that were part of the blockade.
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