A new study has proved that a calorie restriction diet may be able to slow down aging. Many studies have tried to determine which may be the best diet which is equally healthy, tasty and maintains your youth. Researchers around the world have thought about a calorie restriction diet which could also impair the aging process. Nevertheless, they never reached to test if this idea would actually work on humans.
- Specialists have tested a calorie restriction diet on several animals.
- The tests proved that monkeys who had a healthier diet lived longer.
- This type of diet boosts the health of the brain, preventing it from aging.
A newly developed study which was recently published is bound to enlighten everyone’s view upon dieting and whether calorie restriction may help monkeys live longer. Researchers believe that their work reveals that this method could also apply to humans who may experience the same benefits as monkeys do.
Nevertheless, in the past, scientists proved that reducing calories for animals like yeast, worms, rats, fruit flies and mice could help extend their lives, making them healthier. This type of diet proved to double the brain health in these animals. However, we are different from these beings and if something works for flies does not mean that it will also apply to humans.
When primates, which are closely related to us, were tested, the result after the calorie restriction diet was more conflicted. A major study developed at the University of Wisconsin has proved that monkeys which had stricter diets managed to live longer. As opposed to this one, another study conducted by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) claimed that monkeys which followed a calorie restricted diet were not likely to live longer even if they seemed to be healthier.
The newly developed study conducted by researchers from UW and NIA was recently published in the Nature Communications magazine. It helps explain these differences which occurred between previous studies. They have analyzed the separate studies which were conducted in the past at both NIA and UW, and they reached the conclusion that calorie restriction truly helps monkeys live longer, leading a much healthier life.
Nevertheless, they have all supported the idea that there are a lot of factors which may influence this outcome. Age, sex, and diet are the key factors for accounting if the dietary intervention works. In the previous study at NIA, even if monkeys were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, they ate less.
Image courtesy of: flickr
Chiefpr says
Live longer with hunger pangs.
MitchRocksTheWorld says
Ha. Ha. Pseudo Science at it’s best. So the first Study had conflicting results so Researches went back to study the study and massage the Findings to give them the result they wanted. No Confirmation Bias there….right..right!!! You should be embarrassed to publish such nonsense.