There is no surprise that more and more people are affected by the air pollution. But what happens when you are already sick and it causes even more damage to your health? A recent study shows that air pollution is a major threat for lung cancer patients. Let’s find out what this implies and what can we do in order to prevent it.
- Air pollution has become a major threat to the world, especially for lung cancer patients.
- There are many simple things we could do in order to prevent this disease to happen.
A group of researchers from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, managed to discover that higher exposure to the pollutants that are found in the air can be associated with lung cancer. They analysed data from more people who were diagnosed with this terrible disease between 1988 and 2009. The study, that was published online in Thorax, on Aug. 4, found out that the patients who were low exposed to the pollutants managed to live longer than those with greater exposure.
Of course, there is not the same level of air pollution everywhere. It depends on the location, the time of year and especially on how many sources of pollution are nearby.Lung cancer patients should leave in those areas where the air is cleaner and where the danger of smog doesn’t exist. Humans also made many sources of pollution, such as vehicles or factories.
Indoor pollution is as dangerous as the outdoor one and you should be aware of it. What does indoor pollution mean? Well, it included fuels we use to heat our homes or cook with, but also tobacco smoke and radon. Therefore, a wise advice would be not to smoke in the house anymore. Better said, you should quit smoking for your own health. Radon is a threat for us as it increases the risk of lung cancer. It can be found at higher concentration indoor rather than outdoor.
The best solution is to take care of our planet. Everything is possible and you should start to think that maybe, one day, you will be the one who needs help. Maybe you have already met a person who suffers from cancer or who has a disease because of air pollution. Smog, tobacco smoke and many other factors are major threats for lung cancer patients.
Image source: Pixabay
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