As fierce fighting rages in Eastern Ukraine, German chancellor Angela Merkel, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin (C) and French president Francois Hollande attend a meeting to resolve the Ukraine crisis at the Kremlin in Moscow.
The talks involving France, Germany and Russia aimed at resolving the Ukraine crisis has ended without any agreement.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the leaders are optimistic and will continue constructive talks aimed at implementing a ceasefire agreement which was reached in the Belarussian capital Minsk last September.
Meanwhile a midst rumors that the U.S. is contemplating giving arms to Ukraine, Moscow has warned US that it risks colossal damage to relations if it arms Ukraine.
The three leaders’ next contact, he said, was expected to be by phone on Sunday.
The tense atmosphere can be gauged by the fact that there were no niceties of a welcoming handshake for the cameras. Dr Merkel and Mr Hollande went straight into the Kremlin for talks after arriving in Moscow. The visit follows fierce battles and territorial gains made by the Moscow backed Ukrainian separatists since a peace blueprint was agreed in Belarus in September.
The leaders have returned to their respective capitals after an exhaustive Five hours of late-night talks between Dr Merkel, Mr Hollande and Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko which was held in Keiv.
The conflict has already killed more than 5000 people with the Ukrainian Army reporting that two more soldiers have been killed in the past 24 hours in the east, with 26 wounded.
Meanwhile US Vice President Joe Biden accused Mr. Putin of jeopardizing peace and rolling his troops through Ukrainian countryside.
Biden said, “This is a moment where the United States and Europe must stand together, stand firm. Russia cannot be allowed to redraw the map of Europe because that’s exactly what they are doing.”cialis price canada
No dialogue from the E.U. or U.S. or U.N. about Nazi Russia’s attitude towards homosexuals. No talk about the largest European country that has been locking up homosexuals & friends like Nazi Germany. Just like before. At least in the U.S. we will say the homosexuals caused hurricane Katrina, it is very 700 Club/Buckwild in places.
“War Against the Weak”, Edwin Black.