Are you thinking how can your kid lose more fat? Well, it seems that the authorities beat you to it and their newly-found weight loss strategy has yielded unexpected results. Self-serving water dispensers help students to lose weight, and the results are reflected in their BMI index.
- The water jets were installed in 2009;
- 40 percent of NY schools received the water jets;
- The study shows that children from schools with water jets are much slimmer than the others;
- One million students were enrolled in this study;
- A water jet costs about 1000 dollars.
Although all the public schools from New York have banned sellers from distributing sugary beverages in schools and in the surrounding area, kids being kids would have found a way to consume beverages packed with sugar. Most of them would bring their own beverages from home while others would purchase them from local shops.
A new study revealed that self-serving water dispensers help students lose weight and the results are visible. According to this paper, written by Brian Abel, an associate professor working for the Department of Population Health, since the water dispensers have been installed in schools, children have begun to lose weight. Seems like popular items such as chocolate milk or Coca-Cola are being replaced by plain tap water and the results are purely amazing.
In order to see if the water dispensers managed to make a difference in terms of weight, Abel and his team of scientists studied the health reports on a million children, from 1.227 different elementary schools.
After studying the health reports, the team compared the reading taken before the water dispensers were installed with the result taken after the schools received the water jets. Results have demonstrated that the standardized BMI for boys dropped by 0.025 points for boys and 0.022 points for girls, which were enrolled in school outfitted with a water jet
Moreover, it would seem that the rate of fat incidence drops by 0.6 percent for girls and 0.9 percent for boys in schools which received the self-serving water dispenser.
In 2009, the Health Department from New York City made the decision of supplying all schools with electronically, self-serving water dispensers. Each piece would cost around 1000 dollars and they were extremely easy to install. Unfortunately, only 40 percent of NY public schools received such devices.
However, even though the temptation of going out to buy a sugary beverage is high, it would seem that more and more children are turning towards clean and clear water, rather than buying soda.
Abel said that the water jets are a cheap alternative to ample weight loss campaigns and that the latest statistics demonstrated that the water jets actually made a difference in terms of overweight. If the results hold, then maybe more school will think about installing water dispensers in their cafeteria.
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