Worry not, eggs are not bad for your heart and they can be safely consumed without the concern that they might cause your cholesterol levels to skyrocket. It’s just one of the many dietary myths that likely needed to be debunked. Researchers studied 1,000 men, a third of which were carriers of the ApoE4-a gene […]
February Is American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month, so the American Heart Association (AHA) is calling out for awareness against issues that affect the entire world and claim millions of lives each year. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. In 2015, it killed 801,000 people in the U.S. 129,000 of them died due […]
Poor Quality Semen Could Mean More Likelihood of Other Health Ailments
The semen quality is linked to a higher chance of having Blood Pressure, Cardiac Ailments and hormonal disorders according to a new study. In a study which was conducted on more than 9000 men who were suffering with fertility problems, a correlation was found between the defects in a man’s semen and the likelihood of […]