Venus is often called the other half of Earth. There are many things which are strikingly similar between Earth and Venus when it comes to size, mass distance and the chemical composition. However the similarity ends here. Venus is a hellish place with a crushing atmospheric pressure. Venus has surface temperatures enough to melt lead […]
One-Year-Old Toddler Dies after Drinking Liquid Nicotine Used In E-Cigarettes
New York: Fort Plain Police say that one year old boy was found dead after he ingested liquid Nicotine. Liquid Nicotine is a substance which is found in electronic cigarettes. When the liquid is heated it changes into vapors. E Cigarettes are sold in a variety of concentration and different flavors. It should not be […]
Misreading Climate change will prove costly for politicians
Two of the biggest polluters in the world, China and the US have struck a landmark deal on Wednesday November 12th 2014 to fast track the cutting down of emission of green house gases. The green house gasses like CO2 and methane have been blamed for the rising global temperatures. Rising global temperatures have started […]
Natural Gas Drops as Placid Weather Lowers Heating Needs
For the third time in four days natural gas futures dropped in New York amid speculation that a mild temperature will reduce the heating needs as the production increases. According to Commodity Weather Group LLC, the temperatures will be steady and above normal for the next five days in most of the 48 states before […]