It happens to be Computer Science Education week and has set a target of 100 million persons complete the Hour of Code by year end to ensure awareness about coding education in schools. The week from December 8 to 14 has been designated as Computer Science Education Week, and is trying to create more awareness with its popular Hour of Code learning event.
Southern High School students boast their very own coding club. When students of Aiyana King’s AP Calculus class wanted to get more students to get involved in computer science classes they roped in students from the math and tech classes in the school. The result- all are learning about computer programming every week.
Initially King had only 5 to 10 students who met in the club. The participants were all from different fields and as alike as chalk and cheese. However most were interested in Game development. So King brought programmers from allied industries and students were beginning to connect with them. The kids were also highly impressed and one student declared that he would like to become a part of the health care company for a living after watching a demonstration by a technical architect.
The visits made several students get a clearer picture of what they would like to do in the future. The Southern’s Coding Club helped a kid realize that it is Game development where her interest lies and that is what she will do once she leaves school.
The biggest concern of King is not to get the kids into the computer science world but to evoke an interest for coding in the students. along with other organization like Girls Who Code and Code for America have helped to start a movement to get more computer science education and get more kids into coding.cost of cialis vs viagra
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