French Fries, brownies and other high calorie foods – all taste great, is laden with bad cholesterol but are big money spinners for chain restaurants. When calorie counts on restaurant menus daunt people from ordering brownies, French fries, and similar high calorie delicacies, FDA estimates that it will cost the industry up to $5.27 billion as lost pleasure over 20 years.
The Lost: Pleasure analysis which has been criticized by economists and health groups requires chain restaurants, grocery store chains selling prepared food, large vending machine operators, movie theaters and amusement parks to display calorie counts as per latest regulation which has been published by U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month.
However Public health advocates contend that inclusion of the analysis will be surely challenged by the industry since it reduces the gap between government’s projections of a regulation’s benefits and costs. According to Amit Narang, an attorney at Public Citizen, the lost pleasure calculations will give companies or trade groups a reason to challenge the menu rules in the court.
Peter Larkin, chief executive of the National Grocers Association, feels that the new regulation is large and costly.
On the other hand the FDA feels that the analysis balances the advantages to consumers when calorie information leads them to eat healthier. The new rule takes effect in a year.
FDA spokeswoman Jennifer Corbett Dooren said, “It increases the quality and objectivity of the analysis of estimated benefits.”
FDA does not feel that its use will weaken the menu regulation. The accrued benefits far outweigh the industry costs and any lost pleasure combines. FDA estimates that the menu rule will bring net benefits of about 10 cents per person per day.
None of this matters. How many calories a food has is not in any way related to the health properties of that food. So the typical calorie counter may choose to avoid a dish full of cashews in it because it has “too much fat” or calories, but will instead opt for a “low fat” dish loaded with endless amounts of diabetes inducing sugar.
That is completely correct. Fat does not make you fat. Our bodies are designed to burn fat and store sugar. Low fat foods replace good fat with storable refined sugars. If you want to lower your risk of disease eat unrefined fat and reduce your intake of sugar not from fibrous fruits.
Agree 1000000% !!
Um, actually too much of ANY FOOD makes you fat. It doesn’t matter if it is fat, or protein, or carb. Excess fat is stored as fat, excess protein is stored as fat; excess carb is stored as fat. The statement “fat does not make you fat” is pure BS.
No. How much weight have you or your friends lost in your life? Was it 3 pounds or was it a hundred?
How easy was it to just count calories all day long and get any real results? How many people have you met in your lifetime who are obese because they eat too much broccoli or apples?
People who say fat makes you fat, or calories are people who have never in their life lost any significant weight and kept it off. It’s not calories or fat, it’s sugar.
You want proof?
Find a fat person. With obesity rates as they are, it should be no problem for you to find somebody that you know who is obese or overweight at a minimum. Now…have them count calories and eat low fat foods and don’t forget they need hours and hours of endless exercise.
And before they begin, they need a full blood panel so you can measure not just weight, but health. Now in a few months let me know how it goes. Did they lose a lot of weight? Was it easy for them? Do they believe that weight will stay off for a lifetime, and not just until they go back to eating “regular”.
The real truth is they are going to be miserable. Losing weight using these methods “works” technically, but it sucks. Furthermore…weight is NO indication of health at all. If you drink a soda that has 180 calories and I eat an avocado that has 300 calories do you really and truly believe you are doing your body better than I am?
Now, when your friend admits that they are miserable and losing 5 pounds in 2 months was almost impossible try this. Put them on a diet free, or very limited in added sugars. Don’t forget to check their lipids which are probably through the roof, because that is the case with so many people today. Eating few calories of the wrong food is absolutely 1000000% NOT going to give you better health.
I don’t mean cokes and cake either. I mean the added sugar that is in everything. “Light” yogurt, “fat free” foods, low fat foods, lean pockets, granola and a million other “healthy” foods that people who have no clue about health or weight loss recommend to eat.
Cut that sugar out of their diet and follow up in another few months. Check their lipid panels again and their weight and that’s your answer. If the counting fat grams and calories way is so great why are people so fat and sick?
That method SUCKS, and every human being who has ever lost weight doing it will agree. It is not efficient and it sucks. It is not long term and it really doesn’t mean anything for your health.
So you can keep telling as many people as you want to that fat makes you fat and calories and all of that, but you are not helping them one bit.
It must be nice to be so sure you’re right when you have so little knowledge about how your body works. Please take an intro course in biology and/or physics.
It is nice actually, and I bet you are a lot of fun at parties. I’ll tell you what. When obesity is on a downward slope then I will tell people your way works great.
Don’t wait up for me…