It has been a very bad year for Hedge funds, the worst since 2011. Several big and popular trades have gone wrong and managers have been forced to cut their losses. Numerous funds had been anticipating a hike in interest rates and improved macro-economy. Instead what they got was a new and sudden fall in […]
Oil Speculators Bet Wrong as Rebound Is Short Lived
Hedge funds were seen moving towards oil too quickly and boosted bullish trends amidst a rebound last week. However the moments of glory were short lived and ever increasing US Crude supplies pushed the prices to a two year low. Net-long positions in West Texas Intermediate futures gained 5.7 percent in the 7 days ending […]
Hedge Funds Rein In Coffee Bull Bets as Brazil Drought Eases
It has been dubbed as the biggest bullish coffee bet since 208. Rain brought much needed relief to the world’s largest producer and exporter of Coffee-Brazil. For the first time in four weeks fund managers slashed their net long position in Arabica Coffee. New York futures tumbled 9.1% last week, the greatest since May. […]
Study Reveals, Profitable Hedge Funds to Pay 5% More in 2014,
According to a new compensation study, Profit making hedge fund firms will increase incentive compensation by 5% this year with pays climbing back to pre crisis levels. Investment Pro’s trading equities will be earning a projected $870,000 this year. According to advisers Greenwich Associates and Johnson Associates Inc, those who buy and sell bonds will […]